Educator/ Administration Resources
LACES: The LACES homepage has current updates as to tips, strategies, content changes and additions. Don’t go into your LACES data without first glancing at the homepage for updates and easy to follow guides. Also, the LACES tech support is available to answer individual questions via phone or email, as well as hold group conference calls or webinars to help you grow your LACES intelligence, comfort and use.
GEDTS: GED Testing Service has multiple topics and contents on their webpage. Professional Development resources include an educator's handbook, information about skills students need to pass, webinars, and classroom tools.
NRS: The National Reporting Services project provides technical assistance and support to states through face-to-face training, national meetings, webinars, and online training courses. NRS has online courses and webinars that will enhance your knowledge about data use and interpretation for program and staff PD, evaluation and general knowledge.
AALPD: The Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers was founded in 2003 as a national professional membership association for adult literacy and adult education professionals. AALPD goals include building a network of professionals in adult literacy/adult education to share information and resources, and communicate effective and innovative ideas and promising practices; provide professional development based on needs and interests; and, contribute to the voice of the field of adult literacy/education by advocating and shaping policy initiatives specific to professional development.
Teacher Resources
Language Arts
Computing Technology for Math Excellence - Math Manipulatives
Using Virtual Manipulatives on the Web to Develop Number Sense
Visualizing Fractions to Decimals to Percents Using Web-based Manipulatives
Social Studies
Administrative Resources
State & Federal Sites
Current Events